TLS Certificates

TLS Certificates #

Setting up certificates allows the server to create secure HTTPS TLS connections with clients.

The TLS support, along with the authentication, can be enabled (or turned off) for each listening address individually. For example, it is possible to turn off the authentication for localhost and enable it for other network interfaces.

Learn more about the Server TLS Settings and the Server Configuration.

Self-Signed Certificates #

The following steps can be done to generate and use a minimal server self-signed server certificate (which will act as a CA certificate for clients):

  1. Generate a self-signed Certificate for the Server

    # generate server private key
    openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
    # generate server certificate
    openssl req -new -x509 -days 36500 -key server.key -out server.crt
  2. Copy the Server Certificate and Key to the repo/certs directory

    cp server.crt repo/certs
    cp server.key repo/certs
  3. Update the Server configuration file settings repo/config.json:

    "tls_cert": "certs/server.crt",
    "tls_key": "certs/server.key",
    "listen": [{
       "host": "*",
       "port": 3485,
       "tls": true
  4. Using server certificate as CA for client connections:

    # connect to the server using TLS
    amelie --uri="https://localhost:3485" --tls_ca="server.crt"
    # connect to the server using TLS (server certificate is not verified)
    amelie --uri="https://localhost:3485"

Please note that the server does not verify client certificates in the following setup. The Authentication can be enabled to validate client requests over HTTPS connections.