TIMESTAMP type represents timestamp with a timezone according to the ISO8601 with microsecond precision. This type is similar to TIMESTAMPTZ used by PostgreSQL. The type can be used as a column type or a key.

Internally type converted, stored, and operated as a 64-bit integer representing Unix time in UTC. All operations are corrected according to the current timezone settings.

The supported range is from 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999.

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and now() can be used to get the current transaction time. TIMESTAMP prefix before a string can be used to explicitly define timestamp value without convertion.

Time Functions can do basic operations using timestamps, intervals, and dates.

select now(), current_timestamp;
["2024-09-26 17:11:03.640011+03", "2024-09-26 17:11:03.640011+03"]

select system.config().timezone;

select current_timestamp - interval '5 hours';
["2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"]

select timestamp "2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03";
["2024-09-26 09:12:10.684550+00"]

select "2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"::timestamp;
["2024-09-26 09:12:10.684550+00"]

select "2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"::timestamp::int;

select 1727341930684550::timestamp;
["2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"]

select {"at": now(), "id": system.config().uuid};
  "at": "2024-09-26 16:14:00.722393+03",
  "id": "a74fbf39-cc9d-314e-a33e-3aa47559ffe5"
create table example (ts timestamp primary key, metrics json);
insert into example values (current_timestamp, [1,2,3]);

select * from example;
[["2024-09-26 17:13:34.621227+03", [1, 2, 3]]]

set timezone to 'UTC';

select * from example;
[["2024-09-26 14:13:34.621227+00", [1, 2, 3]]]