Define a time INTERVAL
with microsecond precision. This type is similar in spirit to the INTERVAL
type, which PostgreSQL uses.
The type can be used as a column or part of the expression.
prefix before a string can be used to define interval value explicitly.
Intervals can be added or subtracted and are mainly used together with timestamps.
understands combinations of the following modificators:
- years
- year
- months
- month
- weeks
- week
- days
- day
- hours
- hour
- hrs
- hr
- minutes
- minute
- mins
- min
- seconds
- second
- secs
- sec
- milliseconds
- millisecond
- ms
- microseconds
- microsecond
- us
Time Functions can do basic operations using timestamps, intervals, and dates.
select current_timestamp - interval '5 hours';
["2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"]
select '1 hour 5 minutes 6 seconds'::interval;
["1 hour 5 minutes 6 seconds"]
select interval '1 hour 5 minutes 6 seconds';
["1 hour 5 minutes 6 seconds"]