JSON Array Functions #

All array functions are located in the public schema, which is default.

json append(array, ...) #

json push_back(array, ...) #

Append one or more values to the JSON array.

select [1]::append(2,3);
[1, 2, 3]

select [1]::push_back(2,3);
[1, 2, 3]

json push(array, ...) #

Add one or more values to the begining of the JSON array.

select [3]::push(1,2);
[1, 2, 3]

json pop(array) #

Remove first element from the JSON array.

select [1,2,3]::pop;
[2, 3]

select []::pop;

json pop_back(array) #

Remove last element from the JSON array.

select [1,2,3]::pop_back;
[1, 2]

select []::pop_back;

json put(array, position, value) #

Place value in the JSON array at the position. The position starts from zero.

select [1,2,3]::put(1, 'two');
[1, "two", 3]

json remove(array, position) #

Remove element from the JSON array at the position. The position starts from zero.

select [1,2,3]::remove(1);
[1, 3]

JSON Object Functions #

All object functions are located in the public schema, which is default.

json set(obj, path, value) #

Set the JSON obj key at the path to the value. The path can be compound.

select {}::set("id", 48);
  "id": 48

select {}::set("id", 48)::set("data", [1,2,3]);
  "id": 48,
  "data": [1, 2, 3]

select {"a": {"b": 123}}::set("a.b", 321);
  "a": {
    "b": 321

json unset(obj, path) #

Remove key at the path from the JSON obj. The path can be compound.

select {"a": {"b": 123}}::unset("a.b");
  "a": {}

bool has(obj, path) #

Return true if the JSON obj key at the path exists. The path can be compound.

select {"a": {"b": 123}}::has("a.b");