Type Casting

Type Casting #

All casting functions are located in the public schema, which is default.

string type(arg) #

Return string description of the arg type.

select "hello"::type;

select {"id": 48}::type;

int int(arg) #

Convert arg value to int.

select '1234'::int;

select "2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"::timestamp::int;

bool bool(arg) #

Convert arg value to bool.

select 1::bool;

select 0::bool;

double double(arg) #

Convert arg value to double.

select type(123::double);

string string(arg) #

Convert arg value to string.

select 1234::string;

select {"id": 48, "data": [1,2,3]}::string;
["{\"id\": 48, \"data\": [1, 2, 3]}"]

json json(arg) #

Convert arg value to json.

select 123::json;

select 123::json::type;

json json_import(string) #

Parse JSON string to json type.

select '{"id": 48, "data": [1, 2, 3]}'::json_import;
  "id": 48,
  "data": [1, 2, 3]

interval interval(string) #

Convert value from string to interval.

select '1 hour 5 minutes 6 seconds'::interval;
["1 hour 5 minutes 6 seconds"]

timestamp timestamp(string, timezone) #

timestamp timestamp(string) #

timestamp timestamp(int) #

timestamp timestamp(date) #

Convert from string to timestamp. If the timezone argument is provided, the timestamp will be created according to it.

Convert from int to timestamp. The first argument is expected to be the Unix epoch in UTC with microsecond precision.

Convert from date to timestamp. The time will be set to 00:00:00.

select timestamp("2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03");
["2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"]

select "2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"::timestamp;
["2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"]

select "2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"::timestamp::int;

select 1727341930684550::timestamp;
["2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"]

show timezone;

select "2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550"::timestamp('Asia/Famagusta');
["2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+03"]

select "2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550"::timestamp('UTC');
["2024-09-26 15:12:10.684550+03"]

set timezone to 'UTC'
select "2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550"::timestamp('UTC');
["2024-09-26 12:12:10.684550+00"]

select current_date::timestamp;
["2024-09-26 00:00:00+00"]

date date(timestamp) #

date date(string) #

date date(int) #

Convert from timestamp, string or int to date.

select "2025-01-24"::date;

select now()::date;

select current_date::int::date;

vector vector(json) #

Convert from json array to vector. Array values must be integers or floats.

select [1.0, 2.1, 3]::vector * [1.5, 1.5, 1.5]::vector;
[1.5, 3.15, 4.5]

uuid uuid(string) #

Convert from string to uuid.

select "4845888e-dbc4-88bc-2e22-9673ccd23bee"::uuid;