Import CSV data

Import CSV data #

POST /v1/db/<schema>/<table> #

Insert one or more rows to the table using the CSV format inside a single transaction. The POST path must include the table schema and the table name.

For the CSV import the Content-Type must be set to text/csv.

Providing the optional columns argument in the query, it is possible to pass the column list: POST /v1/db/schema/table?columns=a,b. If the column list is provided, each row will be interpreted accordingly. The column list follows the logic described by the INSERT command.

The import command can be used to import CSV data from a file.

POST /v1/db/public/test HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Length: 24

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: text/csv" \
     --data-binary "@file.csv" \
# import CSV files to the test table
amelie import --uri="localhost" test *.csv

# import compressed CSV file to the test table
zcat file.csv.gz | amelie import home --format=csv test